
Resources for conducting prescribed burns can come from multiple federal agencies, including:

Often individuals are familiar with programs that offer financial incentives, but may not be as familiar with non-financially oriented programs that provide education, outreach, and research support for prescribed fire. Although not all inclusive, the linked table of resources, developed with the support of the Southeast Regional Partnership for Planning and Sustainability’s Prescribed Fire Work Group, will help you better understand the significant number of programs that currently support prescribed fire in the Southeastern United States.

Current Programs

Entity Description
America’s Longleaf Restoration Initiative Collaborative effort that actively supports range-wide efforts to restore and conserve longleaf pine ecosystems; effort includes on-the-ground implementation teams at the state and local level
Association for Fire Ecology Improves the knowledge and use of fire in land management through science and education
eXtension Interactive learning environment delivering prescribed fire researched knowledge from the best land-grant university minds across America
Jones Ecological Research Center Seeks to understand, to demonstrate, and to promote excellence in natural resource management and conservation on the landscape of the Southeastern coastal plain
National Interagency Prescribed Fire Training Center Program blends field prescribed burning experience with curriculum of classroom instruction
National Wildlife Federation Works to protect wildlife in the U.S. and inspire future generations
National Wild Turkey Federation Works to conserve upland wildlife habitat in North America
Prescribed Fire Councils
(varies by state, see How to Take Action)
The Prescribed Fire Councils are organized at the state and local level and offer information-sharing and networking opportunities for individuals, agencies, and organizations through annual or biannual meetings open to all prescribed burners
Southern Fire Exchange Regional program for fire science delivery in the SE. The site includes publications, models, and tools for prescribed fire in the Southeast
Southeast Prescribed Fire Update A blog source for the latest in prescribed fire happenings throughout the southeast
Tall Timbers Research Station Fire Ecology Program improves management for conservation of natural ecosystems through scientific research and outreach regarding the role of fire in natural plant communities
The Longleaf Alliance Ensures a sustainable future for the longleaf pine ecosystem through partnerships, landowner assistance, and science-based education and outreach
The Nature Conservancy Works to maintain fire’s natural role in our landscapes

How to Take Action

Prescribed Fire Councils, organized at the state and local level, offer information-sharing and networking opportunities. Certification classes provide training for conducting prescribed fire.

Take Action